We have a dedicated group that focuses on protein expression services using both Microbial and Mammalian systems. We offer customers access to our proprietary, IP-free, royalty-free E. coli expression platform and mammalian platform for continuous bioprocess improvement. Appropriate alignment of strain/cell line development during bioprocess development ensures efficient execution of your program and not having to re-visit the formulation at a later manufacturing phase.

Our E. Coli capabilities include:

  • IP-free proprietary system
  • Protein expression toolbox and screening workflow
  • Genome modifications to create strains more suitable for cGMP campaigns
  • Genetic repair of unstable research cell banks

Our Mammalian capabilities include:

  • Experienced practitioners of our proprietary expression system
  • Cell line construction using efficient workflow
  • Manufacturability assessment for discovery support


Contact us to discuss your needs for Customized Protein Expression Services